Award-winning modern software development & automation studio
Leveraging an array of tools and expertise, we build everything from no-code automations to fully-coded custom applications, and everything in between.

Solutions Consulting
Advising on the optimal combination of tools, services, and software to accomplish business goals.
Process Automation
Removal of inefficient, manual processes using no-code/low-code tools like Zapier,, as well as advanced custom integrations.

Application/MVP Development
Web, mobile, and native design & development. Powerful, scalable applications for internal or consumer use.
APIs & Integration
Database architecture and integrating services like Stripe, Firebase, and more.

I don’t know what we’d be doing now if BuildLab hadn’t come in when they did.
Ryan Coyne - Founder @ Age & See
The team at BuildLab exceeded expectations. They're skilled, responsive, and accommodating. Their efficient project management style is also noteworthy.
Christine Williams - Administrative Manager @ Altius Learning
Buildlab's speed and attention to detail were impressive.
Yi Wah - Owner @ Number 1 Sons

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and more.